Payment Options

Online - Fill out the form below (or update if you are logged in as a current member) and click the pay with PayPal button at the bottom of the form. Fill out the PayPal payment information. You can uncheck (Save info & create your PayPal account button) if you don't wish to set up a PayPal account. PayPal will re-direct you back to this page to confirm your membership purchase.

You will receive confirmation when your membership has been approved so you can log in to this website and access your membership card.

Check - You can mail a check, but be aware that this will cause a substantial delay in the approval of your membership. If you are a new member, include your email address and phone number. Mail to: Jeff Carter, Secretary THYC, P.O.Box95, Saugatuck, MI 49453

In-person - sign up at one of our events

Payment & Confirmation

Your membership payment must be made and verified before your Tower Harbour Yacht Club membership can be approved and/or updated. This may take a couple weeks, so if it's urgent, contact

Membership Information

You have selected the Member membership level.

Tower Harbour Yacht Club membership for the season ends on May 20th of the following year. Membership includes the primary member, their significant other, and their minor children.

The price for membership is $90.00 now.

Membership expires on May 20, 2025.

Account Information

Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).
Already have an account? Log in here

Personal Information

Contact if you have any issues with this form or membership process.

Use official two letter state abbreviation. I.E. MI

List names of minor children that you would like listed on the web directory

Boat Information

Membership is open to everyone, even those without boat ownership or slip. If you own a boat please add that information.

More Information


We are always looking for volunteers to help with setup, decorating, cooking, and cleanup. Feel free to contact a board member if you are interested in helping out.


Shipping Address

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